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The Novelist's Complicity (Excerpt)
Zia Haider RahmanCHEN Jing

    [1l"ln my younger and more vulnerable years. my father gave me a word of advice that l’ve been turning over in my mind ever since"thus beains E Scoff Fitzaerald’s the Great Gatsby a novel that many reaard as one of the finest liferary works of the twentieth centuryit’s certainly one of the most popular The wods are uttered by Nick Carraway the narrator. throuah whom the entire story is told.His father's advice is to refrain from judging people because not everyone has had the advantages he has had But what of those who had all the same advantaaes and then some. the people who make up Carraway's milieu in the rovel?Carraway proceeds to condemn them. thouah perhaps pullina his punches when it comes to the eponvmous hero.


    [2]No effort at putting Fitzgerald's novel on screen has ever been entirely successful, certainly not in terms of fidelity to his vision.The medium of film has a major obstacle to overcome if it is to provide a faithful rendering of a firstperson novel. such as the The Great Gatsby:in general, film cameras show everything in the third person. not from the vantage point of a particulan character but from a stance separated from any consciousness.lf our reading experience of a first-person novel is substantially conditioned by the particular nerspective of the character telling the story then recreating that reading exnerience throuah the
third person of film is impossible.

    [2]迄今为止,将菲兹杰拉德的小说搬上荧幕的诸多努力从未获得过完全的成功,特别是在忠实再现他的视角这点上,可以说更是个失败。如果电影媒介想要忠实地展现《了不起的盖茨比》这种以第一人称叙述小说的原貌。那么就面临着一个必须克服的主要障碍。即一般来讲 电影拍摄都会使用第三人称来叙述 采用一种超脱任何主观意识的立场来展现而不是从一个对特定鱼色有和的个人视鱼出发,如果我们在阅读第一人称叙述的小说时其木习惯了某个角色进述故事的特定视角 那么便不可能再通过观看第三人称视角表现的电影重塑那种阅读体验。

    [3]There are often other impediments.Time and causation are dealt with differently, flexibly, in novels.Take Fitzgerald's novel There's some doubt about how Jay Gatsby made his moneyin the end. Carraway can really only report half-heard hearsavand rumors of historical shady dealinas How could such antecedents be brouaht into a film narrative while retaining the auaity of doubt as to what precisely happened?That doubt or vaaueness is. after all essential in aivina us permission to reaard Gatshy sympathetically.


    [4]What I'm getting at with all this detail is that there's a basic difference between fiction grounded in the interiority of chanacters, on the one hand. and film and TV.on the otherNovels do interiority and the drama of the mind infinitely better than TV and film do.


   [5]The imminent death of the novel has been announced every year for as long as I can remember. (This doesn't mean thait the novel won't die it means that successive soothsavers haven't been very good at soothsaving )in 2009. the American nowelist Philip Roth predicted that within twenty-five years the readership of novels would amount to a cult.“I think people will always be reading them, "he said in an interview,“but it will be a small group of people.Maybe more people than now read Latin po etry, but somewhere in that range."


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