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直译是指在不违背英语文化习俗的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容与形式相符的方法(陈宏薇,2000)。通过查阅字典发现,“锦鲤”在英文中,有两个基本表达,个是fancy carp,另一个为koi或koi fish。carp 在柯林斯字典中的英文释义为“a freshwater food fishhaving one long dorsal fin, and two barbels on eachside of the mouth” (McLeod,1982:168),可译为“一种可食用的淡水鱼,长着长长的背,嘴的两侧有一对触须”;在朗文辞典中 carp 的解释为“alarge fish that lives in lakes and rivers and can beeaten”(英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司,2009:390),是指可以食用的,长在湖泊河流里的鱼。网络报道中有把“锦”表述为 carp,如:
She (Yang Chaoyue) came in third place in theshow and was then called a “lucky carp, with fanstweeting her picture instead of the fish to pray fortheir wishes to come true.(China Daily,2019)
在上述报道中,网友们称杨超越为“锦鲤”,英文用 lucky carp。然而,从辞典中的释义可以看出,carp 强调的是可以食用的鲤鱼,如“Shandong’smost famous dishes are the Yellow River carp insweet and sour sauce*..”(廖华英,2015:163)。八大菜系之一鲁菜中的名菜“糖醋黄河鲤鱼”里的“黄河鲤鱼”,用的就是the Yellow River carp。笔者通过COCA 语料库搜索 carp,发现 carp与中国文化中作为吉祥物和图腾的“锦鲤”的形象是不太相同的所以,在网络中对锦鲤的报道较少采用这种翻译,如《环球时报》(Global Times) 中相关的英文新闻报道就用 koi:
Chinese people's craze for koi fish, whichrepresents good luck in Feng Shui, has drivenmillions to repost koi-related tweets in hopes ofattaining wealth and better health. ... “Xin xiao daia 26-year-old IT engineer based in Beijing, recentlybecame the "national koi” after winning an onlinelottery, which gives her prizes sponsored by theAlipay mobile payment system.(Shan,2018)
“锦鲤”采用直译的koi / koi fish、fancy carp;可以表示鱼及鱼的形象,但表达支付宝活动中的锦鲤”时,却显得内涵不足,因此,不少英文媒体采用了意译。意译是指译者在受到译语社会文化因素的局限时,不得不舍弃原文的字面意义,以求译文和原文的内容相符和主要语言功能的相似(陈宏薇,2000)。在表达“锦鲤”这一网络热词时,需要具体分析该词的含义,在很多网络报道中“锦鲤”指的是运气很好的人或中了大奖的人。在央视旗下的中国环球电视网(China Global TelevisionNetwork,OGTN)和中国国际广播电台ChinaPlus 的报道中,译者均采用了意译:
A Chinese netizen has become an overnightInternet sensation after being announced the solelucky winner of a marketing jackpot, leaving behindother three million participants. The prize includesmultiple giveaways such free meals, trips, and stayacross the world.
Meanwhile, a myriad of brands - from lifestyleto tourism - jumped on to the marketing trainextending their congratulations to the lucky winner(CGTN,2018)
A Beijing-based 26-year-old female IT engineerhas become an overnight internet sensation aftershe hit a marketing jackpot sponsored by Alipayagainst an odd of one in three million.(China Plus,2018)
在CGTN的报道中,没有出现 koi fish,而用了lucky winner。lucky 在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》中的英文解释为“having,bringing or resultingfrom good luck”(英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司,2009:1360),意思是 “幸运的,好运带来的和吉祥的”。在支付宝的抽奖活动中,抽中者信小呆是极其幸运的,在300 多万人中被抽中而获得丰厚的奖品,是这场活动中真正的赢家。CGTN 用 luckywinner表示中奖者,在China Plus 报道的支付宝活动中,把获大奖转述为hit amarketing jackpot,都能体现获奖及幸运,英文中的信息内容与中文的支付宝抽奖事件的内容相同。
Netizens also like calling those who luckedout as “koi fish”.In 2018, two of the most popular“koi fish”on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter,are a 20-year-old singer named Yang Chaoyue, and a26-year-old Beijing-based IT engineer“Xinxiaodai,”who's dubbed the “national koi” for winning anonline lottery sponsored by Alipay, the dominantmobile payment platform.(CGTN,2018)
外国受众看了这段对“锦鲤”的介绍后,对中国的“锦鲤”所含的意义有一定的了解,更能理解中国网民对“锦鲤”的狂热。这段中,“锦鲤”指代人时,在 koi fish 上加了引号,表明此koi fish 非彼 koi fish,并在文字中进行了解释:those wholucked out(走好运)。在翻译“国民锦鲤”时,也采用了同样的方法,在national koi 的后面补充了forwinning an online lottery 的信息,让外国受众对该词的隐含意义有所了解。